Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In Remission

Christine went in for her 1st post chemotherapy cat scan, and it was clear. That's the good news. Also, she will have the "port" in her shoulder removed on the 1st of December. It's just an out patient procedure and we'll be glad to get rid of it.

Although, to the best of their knowledge, she is cancer free (or in remission as they call it) at the moment, they will monitor her frequently for the next five years with cat scans and colonoscopies before they will declare her "cured".

In the mean time, we will continue to refine our eating habits to give her the best chance possible for having a real cure.

What ifs: What if we'd caught the cancer two or even three years earlier? What if we'd been eating as we should have all along? What if, What if, What if? It doesn't do us any good to worry about the what ifs now. We're on the wrong side of that question.

You, on the other hand, are a different matter. What if you were eating what you should be eating? (Lot's of fiber and flax seed and avoiding processed foods and sugar) What if you scheduled a colonoscopy and had a polyp removed before it turned into a tumor? I hope you're always on the good side of your what ifs, and use them before it's to late. If you're to ambivalent to do it for yourself, do it for us and all the others that love you and want to keep you around for a while longer.