Thursday, July 17, 2008


Christine and her baby boy Charlie

Well here we are on the downhill side of Chris' chemotherapy treatments. The light at the end of the tunnel is definitely getting brighter. This last weekend was strange because the chemo infusion hit Chris harder than usual.

On Friday, when they began the treatment, her white cell count was down to 1100. (normal is around 1500) It wasn't to big a deal but they gave her a drug that I would have to inject on Saturday and Sunday.

We gave her the shot on Saturday and it hit her hard. She ended up sleeping the rest of the weekend. It was then that I started to read the warnings that came with the drug, and (in bold and capitals) it said to make certain the last shot was given at least 24 hrs before chemo was to begin and the doctor had us giving the shots while she was hooked up to the pump!!! So we didn't give the Sunday shot, and Chris started feeling better Sunday evening.

I was getting somewhat cynical before all this came down the pike, but now I am convinced that is absolutely dangerous and stupid to put all your trust into our corrupt medical establishment.

We have to keep control of our health care decisions, and make certain we understand what is being done to us.

Please don't get me wrong, I know that there are wonderful doctors out there, but there are many more that don't care for a patient past their wallet. (Nurses are the opposite. Most are absolutely wonderful, and underpaid)

I'm working under the assumption that when the chemo is behind us, with better dietary and lifestyle habits, we won't have to go through anything like this again. I have come to realize that, here in America, we are eating ourselves to death.


Aaron said...

Congratulations, on making it to this point, chemo can be rough, but your positive attitudes, and great outlook on life, coupled with prayers and fasting, give you an advantage. It gives you HOPE.

I would have to agree with you about taking control of your health care decision. I see to many people who put blind faith into doctors purely because they are "Doctors". On the other hand these same people show up at the docs office and say, "give me a pill to make me feel better" with no thought that their lifestyle might be the biggest contributor to their symptoms.

As you know, sometimes your medical issue can be bigger than you can handle alone, but turning "control" over to someone else doesn't help. It's strange that more people don't see this, isn't it.

Chris and Ron, you guys are great, keep the faith, and hope going. We will.

Gini said...

So does this mean no more heavy cream in your cooking!?

It must be such a great feeling to be halfway done with chemo. I know I'm happy about that. Hopefully the next few treatments won't be as bad as this last one.

By the way, Happy Birthday Mom!! I'm sorry you felt so terrible over your birthday weekend. I know what it's like to have awful headaches, so I really feel for you. Keep smiling!! Love you!

Marianne said...

Hey dear friends...we are still with you in spirit here in MO and glad this chapter is coming to a close...You are amazing look wonderful. Ron, the Robinsons and us were just talking about how much we missed your "Chicago dogs" and you, too, of course!