Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Year That Was

Forever Children
2008 Grampa's Perspective
We've had the chance, over the last few days, for some retro-spection about 2008. Because of this blog, it has certainly been the most documented year of our lives. One needs only to begin at the older posts and read forward to hear about all the major events that filled the year and our lives. It only remains to put the year into perspective and rate it like we do the movies. You know..., 1 to 5 stars.

The single most defining thing of the last year was, of course, Christine's bout with colon cancer. She had several surgeries and the many trips to Billings, Montana for her chemotherapy treatments. The rest of the year, spent with family and friends, had to be shoe-horned in around the logistics of those treatments.

You might be surprised when you hear that we give the year 2008, 5 stars. That's right, *****!

With all that we've learned from the battle with cancer, the rest of the year was made that much sweeter. Yes, 2008 was a very good year!

It is my prayer that all of us will learn from this last wonderful year and use the lessons it has taught us to make all of the years to come, that much better.
2008 Grandma's Perspective
What a wonderful blessed year this has been. Through the trials and adventures of the past twelve months I have come to understand more completely the Lord's plan for us here on earth. He has blessed us with family and friends that have enriched not only this year but our lives before and after. I have come to a more complete understanding of how important our loved ones are to us. You have all been there when the times were hard giving your love and support to us when most needed, and were there to celebrate the good times as well. We have been able to spend time with you either in person, by phone, via email, and through our thoughts and prayers, all of them are special memories. When I reflect on the events of the year and try to pinpoint the most special, it is not where we were or what we were doing it, it was the choice memories of times shared with those we love. May we all make it a goal to spend more time together this year and to live our lives following the example of our Savior so that we may be
together forever.


Anonymous said...

A friend told me this place I have been looking for, I come, it turned out, I have not disappointed, good Blog