Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Finally a Post from Grandma

I thought that maybe Grandma should contribute some thoughts to our Blog. Grampa has been so diligent in updating you on all the comings and goings in our lives, but I thought that Grandma's view of things might give a slightly different perspective.

Yes, it has been quite a ride this year with the cancer diagnosis. It was such a shock when the doctor told me, as though he was reading a script that was not meant to be a part of our lives. However, realizing the seriousness of the situation, with the help of our loving family and friends we have made it this far without any major consequences. It is amazing the love that I have received from my dear family, friends, co-workers, and customers. I love you all !!!

I did initially take about 2 months off of work (to recover from the surgeries), but am really glad that I have the opportunity to continue to work during my treatment. I'm really not up to par with my productivity, but I am holding my own and it helps to keep my mind off of my health problems. The side effects from my chemo have been minimal, and just as they told me. Fatigue, minor nausea, and the tingling in hands, feet, and mouth from cold. It feels alot like it does when your foot falls asleep and you get pins and needles. I'm really glad that I am having my treatments during the warmer months. The doctor told me that I should not loose my hair with this type of chemo, however, it seems to be thinning quite a bit this week with lots of hair in the tub, sink, brush, and all over the floor. If I do loose it, no problem, I will just have the chance to try out some new styles with wigs. Grampa has been so supportive finding articles and helpful information on the web that make things easier for me.

Speaking of Grampa, we had such an awesome time in Cancun, as you have seen from the pictures and videos that he posted. He didn't mention our Mexican cadillac which is much like a bicycle with a large basket on the front to carry the passengers. I felt so sorry for our driver, he had quite a load with both of us in his basket, but he kept grinning, but I'm sure he was thinking that the Americans needed to eat less. We are really excited about going to Scotland as you can probably see from this blog. It will be very different from the tropical trips we have taken, but I think it will be one of the best trips yet.

Most of you reading this, already know about Kelly's (Mac's wife) trip to Africa. She is there to volunteer in a village where she is the only volunteer. She is working with the orphan school to teach aids awareness. We have gotten some great emails from her and we are so excited for her to have this experience. We love you, Kelly!! Take care, and come home soon.

Grandma Brown


Gini said...

We love ya Mom!!

lydia moyer said...

it is so cool that you are traveling all over the place! it makes me excited for the days when jason and i can do that together. of course we will probably be experiencing great famines and drought and the biggest depression ever and so on and so on....:)