Wednesday, May 7, 2008

An introduction to our clan

Our only Great Grandparent left; Jeanette Bennett Brown Adams and still going strong at 81


Our grandkids can beat up your grandkids any day of the week and twice on Sunday! (we're still working with them on that keeping the Sabbath holy thing)


Chris and her girls Candi Brown, Robyn Jones, Kelly Brown, and Gini Erickson. (The girls all hate this picture but Grandma and Grampa love it. )

Liberty Brown showing the surf in Cancun who's boss

Evan Erickson, keeping his Uncle Pip out of trouble

Here is Zachary, our number 2 son, and doing pretty good right now Here is Great Grandma Jeanie with grandson and new grand daughter, Mac and Kelly (Kelly is in Africa right now as part of her major, teaching aids awareness at an orphanage in Guana, she'll be gone for a month)

This wonderful family is Charlie, Candi, Liam, and Adian (listed by age , not good looks)and Adian really likes his new brown shirt.

Here is the Erickson branch of the Brown Clan. Front row is Lillia, Will (Brownie), and Evan. Middle row is Isabel, Gini, and Jason. And last row is our oldest grandchild Bennett (but we just call him Smiley)

Here is Lope with Robyn and the rest of the Jones girls; Eden, Clara, and Maggie on the front row, and Jeanette Ruth standing up so tall in the back (Does Maggie look worried to you?)

This shot was taken last summer, but is not complete. We are missing Lope and Jason! (notice we are all wearing brown-Gini's idea- color coding must be an Idaho thing)


Gini said...

Cute pics, but really did you have to post the one of us girls! YUCK! I hate that picture.

lydia moyer said...

oh whatever gini! i have never seen you have a bad hair day in your life! i'm so glad you two showed me your blog i will check it often. i am so sorry about what you have gone through chris (that seems wierd to call you that but i think calling you sister brown would be even more wierd) but it seems to have made you stronger. i laughed at the picture of ron repelling(?) i thought "thats the ron i remember!" you guys are awesome!
i have to say i am a little paranoid writing right now trying to make sure everything is written correctly or to make sure i am using real words. i feel like ron might send me to an online dictionary to look up a word that i am not using correctly. i almost wrote wierder up above but then couldn't decide if it was a real word or not so i changed it to more wierd. i gotta let go a little i think:)

Christine and Ronnie Brown said...

Lydia, You may write anything you want. As a grampa, I'm a lot more understanding and apprieciating than I used to be.
Say hi to your folks for me. They have always been my heros.