Sunday, June 1, 2008


Each new chemotherapy infusion seems to be just a little worse the the previous one.

It's Sunday morning and we have just finished disconnecting Chris from her pump. The technology is pretty cool, but the side-effects aren't that great. Yesterday she was very tired and couldn't keep her eyes open for the movie we tried to watch or the book she was trying to read. I finally nagged her into going to bed about 8:30 pm and she had the hardest time waking up this morning.

I hate that she has to do this! The idea of having to pump poison into her body is completely repellent to me, and I'm becoming very cynical about our medical establishment. After all, why should they want to cure cancer when they can make so much more money treating it? It's a big problem with a profit-based medical system.

On the plus side, she bounces back quickly and will be OK in another day. She's also strengthened so much by the love and prayers of her family and friends. This is much more than just a trite phrase! It has become a physical fact that we can observe from day to day. This morning I read to her a note that Gini had posted about her on the rigbyericson's blog and the effect was noteworthy and instantaneous. We love you all and you make such a huge difference in our lives.


Gini said...

I think you are past the "becoming cinical" stage!
I also hate that she is going through this, but hopefully at the end of her treatments, she will be good as new. I love how positive she stays. I don't know that I could be as cheerful as Mom. She rocks!